Saturday, 24 September 2011


So today I properly started looking at the module data.
I had orignally only been picking up e-mails and occasionally commenting. Having ofsted in this week I had sort of lagged with the communication side of things. And seeing as the course had barely just begun when I had the original influx of energy, I figured that I would be ok being just a passive user for the time being.
I sat down in my man cave, ready to work.....
Having such a large t.v. in the cave I thought this was ideal to be able to work, while still being in relative comfort of the sofa.
1st problem.
all the wireless devices that I had didn't really offer the kind of experience that I was looking for.
skip forward a few hours and after a trip to maplins (very unhelpful staff.....again) I had a shiny new wireless keyboard and mouse.
all plugged in, set up and working.
I sat down in my man cave, ready to work......
this time I was flying along working well on a mindmap using a peice of online software that I had only just come across.
2nd problem.
All of a sudden the youngest comes in whinging about how his brother had pretty much beat him around the head or something like that I wasn't really listening.
So I sit him down on the end of the sofa and try to carry on with my mind map. still the whinging persists. This called for some drastic action. VNC to the media server and try to put peppa pig (lifesaver) into a big old playlist.
3rd Problem
This version of windows is not genuine!!!!! Lies Lies Lies
Reinstall windows. check product key. all hunky dorey. reinstall XBMC, Peppa pig on big old playlist. Job done.
I sat down in my man cave, ready to work.......
4th Problem
The other boy comes in whinging about being bored. Sat him down on the sofa with peppa pig, sorted!
So I carry on with my mind map. Takes me ages to sort all the nodes into the right places and make all the colours and layout look right.
I go to check the module content and see if I am doing things right.
To my shock there is a sample of the kind of thing that is expected. It looks very simple compared to my very pretty mindmap. (I felt a bit stupid as it had been there all along)
Load up posterous (another piece of software I am relativly new to) and add some comments asking if what I have done is ok. and wether I should still upload it. With it being the weekend I guess I am unlikely to receive a reply. but heres hoping!
While browsing a little bit more in depth. I find a link to another module (!!!!)
This was one that I was unaware of and it seems like there is a lot of words involved!
So its now 6 o'clock. I have a whole module that I wasn't aware of, a pretty mindmap that could possibly be a waste of time, and a massive feeling of dread over the coming months of my Higher education.
I will persevere, and at some point this evening will resume work....... in my man cave.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a great start and will discover more in the coming weeks.
